Model DetailsUterus - Uterine horn adenocarcinoma

Model Name

Uterus - Uterine horn adenocarcinoma



Tumor Inducing Agent(s)

Hormone, Virus, Diet : diethylstilbestrol (DES)  •  corn oil  •  MMTV - mouse mammary tumor virus

Tumor Synonym

uterine horn adenocarcinoma

Strain Synonyms

C3H/He  •  C3  •  C3H  •  C3H/HeJ MMTV-  •  C3H/HeJ-MTV+  •  C3H/HeJ mtv+  •  C3H/HeJ, H-2k  •  MTV+  •  C3H Heston  •  C3H The Jackson Laboratory
Organ Affected Sex Frequency Age Of Detection Additional Information Expand all Collapse all Reference
Uterus - Uterine horn Female


78 weeks
  • Treatment Notes
  • Notes

    Reproductive Status: virgin

    Infection Status: MMTV+

Highman B, J Environ Pathol Toxicol 1978 Sep-Oct;1(1):1-30