Tumor Frequency GridInbred Strain Family × Organ
Clicking in a colored box will take you to a summary of the records for spontaneous tumors of that organ or organ system observed in inbred mice of the corresponding strain family and reported in the literature. The data represented in the grid is dynamically generated and reflects the most recent data available in the MMHCdb system. The records will be sorted based on the highest reported frequency. This summary, in turn, is linked to more detailed information about each of the reported tumors.
Additional information associated with a colored cell will be displayed in a popup window of your web browser when you hold your mouse over the cell. (Requires JavaScript support.)
- "Very High" - includes frequencies reported in the literature as being between >80% and 100% as well as frequnecies reported to be "very high"
- "High" - includes frequencies reported in the literature as being between >50% and 80% as well as frequencies reported to be "high"
- "Moderate" - includes frequencies reported in the literature as being between >20% and 50% as well as frequencies reported to be "moderate"
- "Low" - includes frequencies reported in the literature as being between >10% and 20% as well as frequencies reported to be "low"
- "Very Low" - includes frequencies reported in the literature as being between >0% and 10% as well as frequencies reported to be "sporadic" and "very low"
- "Observed" - the literature reported that tumors were observed but the authors did not indicate frequency
- "Zero" - the literature reported that no tumors were observed
- empty cell - no data in MMHCdb
- The colors of the cells are based on the highest reported frequency for each strain family/organ or organ system combination.
- The strain families used in this grid are grouped according to the mouse strain genealogy published in Beck JA, Lloyd S, Hafezparast M, Lennon-Pierce M, Eppig JT, Festing MFW, Fisher EMC. 2000. Nature Genetics 24: 23-25. The strain genealogy chart from that reference may be accessed via http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/genealogy/.
- Most of the above strains are projected to be used in the Mouse Phenome Project (Paigen K, Eppig JT. 2000. Mamm Genome 11(9):715-7). The exceptions are DBA/1, NZO, and RIII.