News and Events
- MMHCdb has launched a YouTube page with tutorial videos covering multiple aspects of the database. Tutorials for the Advanced Search Page, the Tumor Frequency Grid and the Patient Derived Xenograft Search Page as well as a general overview of the entire database have been posted. More videos will be posted periodically.
- Read our latest publication about MMHCdb: Begley DA, Disease Models & Mechanisms, 2023 Mar 27.
- Stop by our poster at the AACR annual meeting 2023, 14-19 April, Orlando on Sunday April 16th.
- PDXFinder has become PDCMFinder. It now includes organoids and cell lines and has a new URL
- New mini-grids have been added to MMHCdb on select Reference Summary pages for studies that emphasize the differences in tumor frequencies observed in mice with the same genotype on a variety of genetic backgrounds. Example. (November 2022)
- MMHCdb now contains over 110,000 tumor frequency records! (April 2022)
- MMHCdb will present a poster at the AACR annual meeting, April 8-13, 2022, New Orleans.
- MMHCdb is featured as the primary repository for data from The Jackson Laboratory's lung cancer PDX resource published in bioRxiv (Woo, X.Y., et al.) A Genomically and Clinically Annotated Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) Resource for Preclinical Research in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Data about the models in this resource are also accessible from PDX Finder. (March 2022)
- MMHCdb is highlighted in Chapter 2 of Pathology of genetically engineered mice and other mutants. Sundberg JP, Vogel P, and Ward JM, eds., Wiley. Begley D, Schofield PN, Sundberg JP. The Mouse Online: Open Mouse Biology and Pathology Data Resources for Biomedical Research. (2022) 6-21.
- MMHCdb presented at the 19th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease, "Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and Mouse Models of Human Cancer Databases". (September 2021)
- The MMHCdb web site has been updated to provide a new look, consolidate search forms, streamline searching, and introduce new functionality. A new advanced search form has been released which consolidates multiple search forms into a single interface and uses faceted searches to enable users to customize searches and iteratively increase search specificity. The web site layout has been redesigned to be more user friendly and improve data visibility. (September 2020)
- MMHCdb now contains over 9,000 histopathology images including over 2,700 histopathology images for PDX models. (September 2020)
- MMHCdb presented a virtual poster at the AACR annual meeting, April 24-29, 2020
- MMHCdb (formerly MTB) now holds over 100,000 tumor frequency records! (December 2019)
- MMHC is presenting at the 18th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease, Bar Harbor (September 2019)
- The genome data analysis methods used for mutation, expression, and copy number data associated with Patient Derived Xenograft models generated by The Jackson Laboratory has been published in BMC Medical Genomics: Woo XY, Srivastava A, Graber JH, et al: Genomic data analysis workflows for tumors from patient-derived xenografts (PDXs): challenges and guidelines. BMC Medical Genomics volume 12, Article number: 92 (2019). PDX models and their associated data are searchable from the PDX Search Form and from PDX Finder. (July 2019)
- View the MMHCdb Biocuration 2019 poster: (May 2019)
- Stop by our poster at Biocuration 2019, 6-10 April, Cambridge, UK (April 2019)
- Stop by our poster at the AACR Annual Meeting 2019, 29 March - 3 April, Atlanta, Georgia (March 2019)
- Search PDX models by tumor mutation burden (TMB) score (March 2019)
- Search PDX models by molecular profile using PDX Like Me (March 2019)
- Over 95,000 tumor frequency records! (January 2019)
- Check out the new PDXFinder! A comprehensive open global catalog of PDX models and their associated data across resources, a joint venture of EMBL-EBI and The Jackson Laboratory (April 2018)
- Krupke DM, Cancer Res 2017 Nov 1;77(21):e67-e70: (November 2017)
- Learn more about our resource at the 16th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease, 1-6 October, Bar Harbor, Maine (September 2017)
- Stop by our poster at Advances in Modeling Cancer in Mice: Technology, Biology & Beyond, 24-27 September, Orlando, Florida (September 2017)
- Explore the new plots for PDX dosing studies (featuring treatment group, spider, waterfall, and tumor growth inhibition styles). See related FAQ. (July 2017)
- Stop by our poster at the AACR Annual Meeting 2017, 1-5 April, Washington, D.C. (March 2017)
- Top Mouse Models of Human Cancer table added to the Home Page (February 2017)
- Over 80,000 tumor frequency records! (December 2016)
- Test out the new Faceted Tumor Search (April 2016)
- Stop by our poster at the AACR Annual Meeting 2016, April 16-20, New Orleans, Louisiana (April 2016)
- Stop by our poster at the 9th International Biocuration Conference, April 10-14, Geneva, Switzerland (April 2016)
- Begley DA, Exp Mol Pathol 2015 Dec;99(3):533-536: (December 2015)
- Over 70,000 tumor frequency records! (September 2015)
- Lymphoma Pathology Page expanded with 50 new, annotated whole slide scans (August 2015)
- Over 400 PDX models! (July 2015)
- Bult CJ, Nucleic Acids Res, 2015 Jan 28;43(Database issue):D818-D824: (January 2015)
- MTB is presenting a poster at Beyond the Genome: Cancer Genomics, October 8-10, 2014, Boston, MA. (November 2014)
- MTB is highlighted in a publication in Experimental Dermatology: Begley DA, Krupke DM, Neuhauser SB, Richardson JE, Schofield PN, Bult CJ, Eppig JT, Sundberg JP. 2014. Identifying mouse models for skin cancer using the Mouse Tumor Biology Database. Exp Dermatol. 2014 Oct; 23(10):761-3. (October 2014)
- MTB now holds over 60,000 tumor frequency records. (April 2014)
- Researchers can now search MTB for xenograft models and associated data (histology and genomics) contained in the JAX Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) Resource. (October 2013)
- Immunohistochemistry has over 500 antibodies listed. (February 2013)
- In 2012 MTB presented at the following:
- 11th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease,
- Biocuration 2012,
- Mechanisms & Models of Cancer,
- Model Organisms to Human Biology - Cancer Genetics,
- Second Annual Mutant Mouse Necropsy Workshop.
- MTB now holds over 50,000 tumor frequency records. (September 2012)
- MTB was highlighted in Chapter 3.1 of 'The Laboratory Mouse, 2nd Edition'. (July 2012)
- MTB now holds over 5,000 images, including histopathology, SKY CGH and FISH images. (October 2011)
- The immunohistochemistry links have been updated and expanded. (February 2011)
- Links to cancer-related mouse gene expression data sets from NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) archives are now available for appropriate tumor model records. (November 2010)
- MTB now holds over 40,000 tumor frequency records. (October 2010)
- The Tumor Frequency Grid, MTB's interactive graphic display of tumor frequencies, displays as a matrix the strain in which tumors were assessed and the organ systems in which tumors were observed. Our newest enhancements to the Grid allow the user to customize the Grid contents on both axes. Thus, the user can select specific strains or strain families and specific organs or organ systems to obtain a Grid showing any desired combination of strains/families and organs/systems. (January 2010)
- MTB was well represented at the 8th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease, September 11-17, 2009 in Bar Harbor, ME. Participation included a platform presentation by Dr. J.P. Sundberg, entitled "Strain specific diseases in mice: Utilizing online resources" and a tutorial/workshop on using MTB and a poster presentation by Dr. D.A. Begley. (September 2009)
- MTB now holds over 3,500 images! (July 2009)
- Debbie Krupke of MTB presented two posters at the 3rd International Biocuration Conference, April 16-19, 2009 in Berlin, Germany. (April 2009)
- MTB has begun adding cytogenetic assay image data to the image archives. This includes images from spectral karyotyping (SKY), comparative genome hybridization (CGH) and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) assays of mouse tumors. Links to cytogenetics image data are also provided in the Genetics section of the Tumor Frequency Details pages (where applicable). (December 2008)
- The Genetics Search Form has been updated and streamlined. Users can search for germline genetic, tumor somatic genetic and, now, cytogenetic data. (October 2008)
- The MTB database is now updated every Sunday. To do this MTB is taken offline for about half an hour between 3:00 and 3:30 AM EST each Sunday morning. (July 2008)
- MTB has an article in the June 2008 issue of Nature Reviews Cancer. Debra M. Krupke, Dale A. Begley, John P. Sundberg, Carol J. Bult & Janan T. Eppig. The Mouse Tumor Biology database. Nat Rev Cancer. 2008 Jun;8(6):459-465. (April 2008)
- MTB now holds over 30,000 tumor frequency records! (January 2008)
- MTB announces the incorporation of tumor pathology data and images from the Shock/Ellison Aging Study conducted at the Jackson Aging Center. These images are from young, middle-aged and old mice (male and female) from each of 32 strains. Additional data from this on-going study will be added as it is produced. (October 2007)
- MTB is presenting a poster at the Mechanisms & Models of Cancer Meeting, Aug 8 - 12, 2007 at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, California. Stop by and see us! (August 2007)
- The National Cancer Institute is spearheading a large initiative to develop a Cancer Biomedical Information Grid (caBIG). One of the components of caBIG is a database of animal models for cancer research called caMOD. Scientific curators from the MTB project are working with the caMOD team on incorportating official standards for gene and mouse strain nomenclature into the caMOD resource. Some of the data related to mouse models of human cancer data represented in MTB have been downloaded from MTB and incorporated into the caMOD database. Additional data (e.g. pathology diagnoses and images, somatic genetic changes in tumors) remain uniquely available at MTB. (April 2007)
- MTB is presenting a poster at the Mouse Models at the Frontiers of Cancer Discovery Keystone Symposia, Mar 18 - 23, 2007, Whistler, British Columbia. Stop by and see how we can help your research. (March 2007)
- Come and see the MTB poster at Oncogenomics 2007: Dissecting Cancer Through Genome Research, 31 Jan - 3 Feb. (February 2007)
- MTB has a publication in the 2007 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research. Dale A. Begley, Debra M. Krupke, Matthew J. Vincent, John P. Sundberg, Carol J. Bult, and Janan T. Eppig. Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB): status update and future directions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D638-D642. (January 2007)
- To improve the quality and utility of pathology images available, the Mouse Tumor Database (MTB) announces the incorporation of Zoomify technology ( into the web display of pathology images. Zoomify enables the representation of fast and interactive high-quality images on the web using HTML, JPEGs, and Flash. All of these programs are freely available. With Zoomify, users can change the perspective and magnification of an image dynamically. Users whose systems do not support Flash technology will still see pathology images in a static view. (October 2006)
- The Tumor Frequency Grid has been enhanced and expanded. The strain family and organ entries have been made expandable to show frequency results for sub-strains of a strain family and sub-structures of an organ. Each results cell now has a rollover pop-up window that shows strain of origin, organ of origin, highest reported frequency and number of tumor frequency records. The grid is also now generated dynamically directly from the information in the database rather than being periodically updated. (August 2006)
- The Mouse Tumor Biology Database (MTB) announces the release of the Advanced Search Form. This form enables researchers to perform complex queries combining search parameters from multiple basic search forms. (July 2006)
- Version 1.0 of the new Mouse Tumor Biology database is now publicly available. With this release MTB has been ported to Sybase as the database platform. This major infrastructure change provides a scalable foundation for future growth of the database and will enable us to develop new dynamic web-based user interfaces and provide programmatic accessible web services. Also with version 1.0, MTB's query interfaces and the results pages have been completely redesigned to match the look and feel of the other databases available through the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) web site. Look for additional features and new tools to continue to be released in the coming months... (May 2005)
- Currently MTB holds >16,000 tumor instances in >3,500 genetically defined mouse strains and >1,300 pathology images. (May 2005)
- MTB now holds over 1,000 images! (July 2004)
- MTB featured in Nature Reviews Cancer's Web Watch section in the April 2004 issue. (April 2004)
- The Tumor Frequency Grid has been updated. (January 2004)
- As a compliment to our growing repository of immunohistochemistry images a list of antibodies is now available in both HTML and Microsoft®Excel format. This list will be updated periodically. (August 2003)
- The Pathology Image Search Page has been updated. Users may now search on either organ/tissue of origin or on probe (i.e. antibody). Links have been added from the appropriate strain records to strain information held in the Mouse Models of Human Cancers Consortium (MMHCC) Mouse Repository and on the Mammary Cancer in Humans and Mice: A Tutorial for Comparative Pathology: The CD-ROM Web Site. (November 2002)
- The Tumor Frequency Grid has been updated. (September 2002)
- A mechanism has been added on the Reference Search page to allow users to search for review articles. (July 2002)
- The Tumor Search page has been modified to be more user friendly to browsers that don't handle javascript well. (May 2002)
- MTB has a publication in the March 1, 2002 issue of Cancer Research. Näf D, Krupke DM, Sundberg JP, Eppig JT, Bult CJ. 2002. The mouse tumor biology database: a public resource for cancer genetics and pathology of the mouse. Cancer Res 62(5):1235-40. (March 2002)
- MTB now holds over 10,000 tumor records! (February 2002)
- We've installed new server software which, we hope, will make the database more stable, faster, and should solve the intermittent network problems that some users may have experienced in the past few months. (January 2002)
- To enhance our online user support efforts we have added new pop-up window definitions for each field displayed on each of the web pages generated from the database. We have also added a statement about the current status of the database to the "What's New" and "About MTB" pages. (September 2001)
- The Tumor Frequency Grid has been updated. (July 2001)
- Links have been added, where appropriate, from the allele details pop-up window to allele information held in MGD. (February 2001)
- The new version of MTB is online!
What's new?- a more user-friendly interface
- more powerful searches
- a centralized Genetics Search form
- easier access to Pathology Images
- an updated and expanded Tumor Frequency Grid
- JAX Path, a pathology submission interface
- MTB redesign update: We've spent the past several months putting MTB through a major redesign. The new version, complete with new search capabilities and a more user-friendly interface, is almost ready to load online. Stay tuned! (September 2000)
- The Pathology section of the database has been greatly enhanced with the addition of a large number of images from the files of the Animal Pathology group at The Jackson Laboratory. These images are accompanied by detailed descriptions provided by The Jackson Laboratory's veterinary pathologist (Dr. John P. Sundberg). (November 1999)
- Added a column on the Strain Results page for outside links and added several links to the Biology of the Mammary Gland Web Site. (August 1999)
- Added the Tumor Frequency Grid (Inbred Strain x Organ) (July 1999)
- Design update:
- Modified displays for more efficient use of space
- Modified database tables for enhanced speed in returning query results
- Added access to "tumor notes" information to the "Tumor Types Query Results" screens
- Replaced 33 black and white tumor pathology images with color versions
- Expanded table of links to cancer research web sites
- MTB home page format simplified
- Enhanced graphics for Tumor Type query summary table
- MTB prototype database released (October 1998)