Strain Summary((C3H/He El x 102/El F1) x [not specified]-A Bmp5se/+ Ednrbs/+ Myo5ad/+ Oca2p/+ Tyrc-h/+ Tyrp1b/+)F1

Strain Name

((C3H/He El x 102/El F1) x [not specified]-A Bmp5se/+ Ednrbs/+ Myo5ad/+ Oca2p/+ Tyrc-h/+ Tyrp1b/+)F1

Strain Type(s)

other  •  spontaneous mutation

Strain Synonym(s)

((C3H/He El x 102/El F1) x [not specified]-A Bmp5se Ednrbs Myo5ad Oca2p Tyrc-h Tyrp1b)F1  •  (C3H/He El x 102/El F1) x T stock FI


T-stock x (C3H/He El x 102) F1 test crossed mice following injection with Thorium 227. T stock is an outbred line with 7 selected homozygous loci.

Strain Genetics

Tyrc-h / Tyr+
Oca2p / Oca2+
Myo5ad / Myo5a+
Tyrp1b / Tyrp1+
Ednrbs / Ednrb+
A / A
Bmp5se / Bmp5+


1 unique models displayed. A model is a set of tumors that share the same tumor name, organ(s) affected, and treatment type for a specific strain.
Model Name Organ Affected Tumor Inducing Agent(s) Female Male Mixed Pop. Unspecified Additional Information Model Details
Bone - Femur osteosarcoma Bone - Femur thorium-227


References: Pathbase web site, University of Cambridge, MGI Direct Data Submission 2009;():

2 pathology image(s)