Model DetailsIntestine - Large Intestine adenocarcinoma

Model Name

Intestine - Large Intestine adenocarcinoma


C57BL/6-ApcMin/+ Mdm2tm2.1Glo/+ Mdm4tm1Glo/+

Tumor Inducing Agent(s)

Chemical/Drug : dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)

Tumor Synonym

invasive adenocarcinoma

Strain Synonyms

ApcMin/+ control  •  ApcMin/+; Mdm2FM/+; Mdm4+/-
Organ Affected Sex Frequency Age Of Detection Additional Information Expand all Collapse all Reference
Intestine - Large Intestine Unspecified


(4 of 6 mice)
9 weeks
  • Treatment Notes
  • Notes

    Reproductive Status: reproductive status not specified

He XY, Cell Rep 2015 Nov 3;13(5):888-97